Progressive Faith Sermons - Dr. Roger Ray

In light of the recent assassination attempts against Donald Trump, in which the infamous AR-15 assault style rife was used, it seems like a good time to raise the issue of passing much needed gun reform legislation. The majority of Americans want sensible gun laws passed and yet we keep re-electing politicians who refuse to give us what we want. What about this – what if we stopped voting for candidates who won’t do what we want and started voting for candidates who will?

Direct download: 20241020_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

We have arrived at the one-year anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and the war drags on and even threatens to escalate. The Israeli response has, for many, overshadowed the horror of the original attack. The world is asked to witness a problem with no evident solutions, endlessly debating who is to blame while hostages, at least the few who have survived, continue to be daily raped, tortured, beaten, starved, and held in inhumane circumstances. What now?

Direct download: 20241006_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST