Progressive Faith Sermons - Dr. Roger Ray

In the hope that Donald Trump will win the November election, the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation, has composed a huge book of plans and resumes to transform our government called the 2025 Project. It is 900 pages long and too much for any one news show or religious podcast to treat comprehensively but this message attempts to take a pastoral view of the changes this powerful minority would like to impose on the USA. This may serve as a good introduction to your own study of the issues.

Direct download: 20240728_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

What makes some topics controversial is because you can make a rational defense of either side of the issue. For example, you can mount logical arguments in favor of either socialism or capitalism but you cannot have a reasonable debate about whether the Earth is round or flat.

 Unfortunately, we often fail to have the needed rational debates that help us to grow and learn because we have become afraid of the kind of divisive fighting that crops up around subjects for which there really isn't a logical debate.

We need to have more conversations that bring light into the world and fewer that just create heat.

Direct download: 20240714_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST